WH3 Influence – LIT FUZE

WH3 Influence

  • by Matthew Flansburg

WH3 Wine Hobo Trio Boardwalk Santa Cruz CA Circa 17th January 2001

The WH3, or Wine Hobo Trio, is an art group out of Tempe AZ. Comprised of musicians, film makers, painters, & collective mad men. 

The WH3 produced many live events. Musically, they have hundreds of recorded tracks. From 1999 to 2000 WH3 produced three limited edition magazines called SLOW BURN. 

LIT FUZE stickers heavily influenced by the time spent with the WH3. The Wine Hobo Trio was known for their childish audacity and extremely good looking musicians. 

#winehobotrio #wh3 #slowburn #litfuze 


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