LIT FUZE Apparel Launch Party January 13th, 2001 | Part 1 of 3

LIT FUZE Apparel Launch Party January 13th, 2001 | Part 1 of 3

  • by Matthew Flansburg

First post to the blog. Which I never understood, "B"log. What happened to "A"log? I am not a B-Team type of guy, so I am choosing to call this my Alog. Hello world.

So, I got off the phone with a close friend of ours who is moving back to California from Costa Rica. Seems during the last couple years many of us have our realities smashed to bits. He was at our launch party on January 13th, 2001. 

Most of us travel to the past in the form of memories. We remember the best of times. Back in Cruz, we remember roman candle battles, dawn patrol, jumping out of planes, beach fires, drinking Bonny Doon wine.

In times of complete stress, it is hard not to gravitate our attention back in time when all doors were opened, the future was tomorrow, and all our friends are laughing with us. Remember staring at a campfire on the beach, friends surfing on the glittering sunset ocean. 

Campfires on the beach in Santa Cruz, CA

Another part of us can zoom our imaginations into the future where we share images of a carefree world. When you close your eyes and dream of the future, what do you see? For a while, all I saw was the blackness of my cave. I am so glad that visions of hope guided me further. 

Santa Cruz, Boardwalk Coaster

But the gritty truth is we are here now, having come out of the valley. The past is a memory, the future a fantasy, only here and now we can truly love our family and friends. 

COVID has delivered a wake-up call to the world. Every single one us has been slapped in the face with some derivative anti-reality. Right now, many of us are are fighting dragons, monsters and devils. We are under pressure spiritually and we all have options to choose between what our hearts know as good and evil. 

Our shared historical battlefield will not be on foreign soil. Our spiritual battlefield is in our neighborhoods. How we treat our neighbors is how we reflect ourselves toward the world. In quarantined isolation, it was much different. In ways it was like being on a 80 day boat with quasi-limited supplies of strange items aboard. 

It was during that quarantine time, where the whole world stood still, old lit fuze friends came out of nowhere using new technology. We realized the world needed more energy like when we started. The old design to remind them of a better time in the past. Bringing it back forward, like time traveling with a hologram. When the time struck us, I don't believe any of us were ready for the wave of experiences we caught. Our surfboard design was really a ticket to conversation which typically resulted in a smile. In the 529 we had a few scuffles with some locals, others we became lifelong friends with like Ramey. 

Truth is, we once existed in a peaceful world. We want to make that a reality again. I want more Reggae and less gun violence! My God, drop the weapons and grab a sticker bro! 

At the party we had a list of characters, most of the WH3 (Wine Hobo Trio), my Physics friend Austin, the 5 Russians from work (never beat in chess), employee 17 at Netscape, Daniel's Mom in her PT Cruiser, Chia and his PEZ, Edwin was there in a tiger shirt, Mike Traylor "boob bro" was there, Shout out to Weck, Rene I am sorry about my friends making a fort in your house for 6 days, James of hot or not smallest computer in the world server-room appartment, huge "miss you bro" to Chili, Mike and Emily the best food in the world, Ramey White I need your signature for shaping the new board...printing more soon, Phil and Jane w/ Phiju and PJane (spelling), Eric "history of small dogs" still has that car...


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