My lit fuze favorites – LIT FUZE

My lit fuze favorites


Some of my lit fuze favorites are the paradoxical surfboard sticker and t-shirt art. But one evening I was trying to think how to describe lit fuze, with just a couple words, like a tagline, so to speak. I couldn’t find the words, so I started working on some. Here’s what I came up with: ImaginArt, or ImageArt. A brief backstory: I confess, I love words—and art; especially symbolic art, particularly since ancient pictographic Hebrew script derived from early symbolic depictions. Other examples that come to mind are spectacular paleolithic paintings of bison, in bright red, tan, and brown colors, from the cave of Altamira in Northern Spain.

These ancient symbolic paintings and drawings remind me of LIT FUZE’s imaginative leap with their stickers and t-shirts, especially his heart and surfboard art. I’m secretly hoping he will reintroduce a former favorite T-shirt I love. Maybe if I keep pestering him!

On a more serious note, I commend him for taking a courageous stand, developing commemorative Covid-19 stickers and brightly colored t-shirt art to honor all whose lives have been impacted, and who have touched our lives in wonderful, loving ways.

Tagged with: litfuze

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